Thursday, January 19, 2012


I finally closed on my house a week before Christmas and moved in. I hope to get some projects under way and would love to get feedback from some other DIY bloggers. Here are some pictures of the space in my new house.

This is the living room. I want it to be light and airy, especially due to the dark wood floors. I hope to add color with accessories and other trinkets. I want the entire space to look sophisticated with both traditional and modern elements, but lived in. I hope I can get feedback from other bloggers that have more experience than me.

On to the projects,
~ Mrs. Ellis

Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Home

I finally get to personalize my new home. We just signed the contract a couple of days ago. I will post some pics of the house. I would love to get some ideas of what to do to have a elegant but comfortable living space.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I found out that the fastest way to a man heart is through the gun range. Our anniversary was coming up and I wanted to do something other than dinner and a movie. We always talked about going to the gun range but never got around to doing it. I thought this would be a fun, masculine thing to do. I wanted to look for a class so we can get educated about guns and shooting while getting the opportunity to shoot.
So I took him to the gun range and we had a blast. I was very nervous because I have never even shot a gun. But we had an excellent time and will go back to their couples night.
Check out my work:

See I can take care of my husband wants-sometimes!

That's the domestication kicking in...

Mrs. Ellis

Name of Shooting Range:
           Quick Shots
1199 Zonolite Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30306
Monday-Thursday 11am to 9pm
Friday 11am to 10pm
Saturday 9am to 10pm
Sunday 10am to 6pm
Call us: (404) 963-1962
Email Us:

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fall Bouquet

I am now really into seasonal decoration. It actually gives me a little joy to have some change in my house instead it be so drab. I am going to make a nice small bouquet.

You need:
Silk Flowers
vase (your choice in size)
bowl (that you really don't want)
water beads
wire cutters

Here it goes!

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2011-09-13205012.jpg image by latishaellis
I chose a short round vase and I added the water beads. You let the water beads set for a couple of hours and they become these vibrant nice size beads.
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2011-09-13205139.jpg image by latishaellis
I cut the silk flowers really short so they can fit in the vase and look nice when bunched together. So I just added flowers until the vase is filled out.
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I filled be vase with the water beads before adding the flowers.

2011-09-13210437.jpg image by latishaellis

I cut the silk flowers really short so they can fit in the vase and look nice when bunched together. Then I just added flowers until the vase is filled out. You can add berry stems for a more fall look (which I will probably do).

Very easy and inexpensive project for home decor. For a more spring/summer look you can change the beads and flowers to a more warm weather color.
I picked up all the items at walmart.